
Saunas in particular have a preventive effect. It helps to calm the heart, deepens breathing and relaxes the airways, relieves muscle and joint pain. It also soothes migraine or nervousness. A sauna is a good place to relax.

Sauna oxygenate the body, the skin pores and blood vessels widen. The breathing of the skin improves, which is then supple and fresher. Your limbs get better blood circulation, which is useful if you, especially in winter, suffer from cold feet. Due to strong sweating, the body begins to release many harmful substances.

A sauna session is best before dinner, or two hours after dinner, and can be great for warming up before massage or preventing viral diseases and colds.

A sauna session not suitable while in severe exhaustion, physical and mental, after a hearty meal or conversely on an empty stomach, during virosis and inflammation, during pregnancy or menstruation. 

How to sauna

Before the sauna

Wash thoroughly, preferably with soap, before entering the sauna, and then wipe away all water from the body surface. In principle, we enter the sauna naked. Skin sweat releases toxic substances, so if we want to wear a swimsuit, we run the risk of an allergic reaction due to the accumulation of toxins that are harder to remove. Take only the sheet you sit on the sauna.

In sauna

The length of stay in the sauna is an individual matter, it should be governed mainly by subjective feelings. When a person’s ears, nose tips, cheekbones, nipples or fingertips start to burn, or breathing become worse, it is best to leave the sauna or move to a lower bench. Theoretically, one should withstand heat for about 15-20 minutes. Only then is the core temperature increased by 1.5-2 ° C and begins the process of destroying germs and viruses.

The best position is lying down or sitting with the feet on the same bench. When sitting in a chair, the temperature difference between the feet and the head of the sauna is too great and may result in dizziness or headache. You can wipe the body surface while sweating, which helps to open pores and wash away dirt from the skin.

In the saunas you can breathe through your nose and mouth. If the air burns while breathing, you can cover your nose and mouth with your palms. Breathe at normal frequencies.

Depending on the number of repeated heat and cold exchanges during a sauna session and mainly on the resulting effect, the following types of sauna sessions can be distinguished:

  • 1x irritant
  • 2x toning
  • 3x relaxing
  • 4x inhibitory
  • 5x exhaustive
  • 6x risky behavior (this is no longer the right sauna)


After leaving the sauna, do not immediately cool your head, but first rinse your face with your hands. Enter the pool slowly down the steps and dive in even with your head or at least the back of your neck. After cooling, it is better to stay in cold air until feeling cold is 2 - 5 minutes. Then go back to the sauna.

Finishing the sauna session

After the last cooling, briefly shower with lukewarm water and dry for at least 20 minutes.
If you have done the sauna properly, you will feel comfortable and tired. The beneficial effects of the sauna would be counteracted by alcohol consumption or smoking.