The trail of the Friesovy Elves

The trail of the Friesovy Elves

  • tasks for children on the hill between the Friesovy boudy hotel and Penzion Andula
  • a final crossword for solving the puzzle
  • Treasure Hunt
  • reward - treasure, diploma, badge
  • time: 2 hours

The trail of the Friesovy Elves - Finding the Treasure of Friesovy Elves ‌

The Elves of Friesovy boudy

The Krkonoše Mountains have always been full of elves and goblins. They appeared to people in the meadows, but nobody knew when and mostly why. And so, the children always lamented after Grandma’s story: “Why don’t we have the luck that Grandpa, great-Grandpa, Grandma or great Grandma had? Why did they appear to them and not to us? Mommy saw goblins building on the brook of the dam, showed their dad which trees he could climb and which he was supposed to avoid, but we had the misfortune that whenever we searched forests and meadows, the gnomes were nowhere. ” And the Krakonoš Giant grieved with all these disappointed humans and eventually decided to reveal some of his elves. Choosing the wisest of them, he glanced around the edge, and a large meadow full of beauty and mystery fell into his eyes. People had always inhabited a couple of huts, kept cows and sheep, pulled wood from the forest, and their children frolicked around streams, trees and flowers. "Friesovy boudy will be your workplace," Krakonoš thundered to the three chosen. Your task will be to teach children to explore my mountains! Elves were wondering how to do it. And they figured it out! Since then, the Fries people on this hill have been teaching children to recognize the traces of animals living here, the leaves of the trees that grow there, and other knowledge of this beautiful place of our homeland on the road that bears their name called The Path of Friesovy Elves.